Kestovaippailua USAssa

Syksyn 2013 Kestovaippa-lehdessä oli juttu amerikkalaisista kestovaippa-aktiiveista. Haastattelut päätettiin kääntää lehteä varten suomeksi, mutta nyt on mahdollisuus lukea ne myös alkuperäiskielellä. Ensimmäisessä osassa yhdysvaltalaisen Real Diaper Associationin toiminnanjohtaja Heather McNamara.

I have two boys, ages 7 and 5, who I homeschool. My husband is a high school teacher and we live in San Diego, California.

My mother used cloth diapers on me and my siblings. With my own children I liked the idea of saving money and saving waste, but also was happy to use the diapers I already ”knew” from diapering my younger brothers.

I had a difficult time finding information about NEW types of diapers when I had my baby in 2006.  I found information online but wanted to see and touch the diapers to really understand what people meant when they talked about ”pocket” diapers, for instance.  When I went to a local environmental fair, I was dismayed to find NO INFORMATION about cloth diapers!  I vowed to have a booth there the following year myself (and I did!).  I looked to find information to use for my booth and found the Real Diaper Association’s web page.  I signed up and trained as a volunteer and then started the San Diego County Real Diaper Circle.  A year after that (2009), the RDA did a search for an executive director.  I applied and got the job and have been working as the executive director ever since.

My children are out of diapers now, but I recommend diapers for my nieces and nephews and I always recommend diapers made of natural fibers – particularly cotton prefolds.  I also always recommend wool soakers for nighttime – a WONDERFUL solution!

My family has always been supportive with cloth diapers.  They see all the financial, environmental, and health benefits and think cloth diapers are great – all of my siblings to have children have used cloth diapers on them.

Simple, reusable cloth diapers are a fantastic solution for families who are conscious about their environmental impact, careful about the chemicals they use on and around their babies, and interested in saving money!

– Heather McNamara
Executive Director, Real Diaper Association

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